Stream: Liphemra, ‘Bandaid’


Liphemra_Carl Pocket

If there’s one thing to be said about Liphemra, the solo project of L.A. artist Liv Marisco, it’s that she doesn’t stay inside the lines when she’s coloring her music with jazz and trip-hop elements. When we first discovered Liphemra back in July 2012, it was interesting to see how a drummer of many familiar bands (Stone Darling, Gothic Tropic) found a way to her own type of psych-rock swirl. As time went on Liphemra’s experimented with live sounds, and now Marsico’s roots in the Low End Theory show their influence. We heard it in “Bloodwork” (feat. MED)” and now we’ve got “Bandaid,” a cyclic hook that could easily be used as a chorus in a hip hop song. It’s catchy with Marsico’s bright vocals crackling in the all right places, plus there’s a surprising bridge to boot. “Bandaid” is from Liphemra’s forthcoming mixtape slated for a release on April 1.

||| Stream: “Bandaid”

||| Previously: “Bloodwork,” live at FOMO 2014, “Young”

||| Live: Liphemra plays April 3 at the Echo.

Photo by Carl Pocket