Ears Wide Open: The Eeries



“You’re so hip it makes me sick,” singer-guitarist Isaiah Silva complains in the suddenly hot single by the Eeries, “Cool Kid” – a relatable sentiment considering the preponderance of fashion-statement pop and production-heavy navel-gazing that has taken over the marketplace. So what do the Eeries (Silva, along with guitarist Brandon Sweeney, bassist Eliot Lorango and drummer Nadir Maraschin) offer instead? A slice of mass-appeal ’90s alt-rock. The crunchy anthem “Cool Kid” sounds like a marriage of Weezer, Everclear, Pixies and Oasis, and while certain factions might favor that sound over commercial “indie”-pop, you have to wonder whether it represents any kind of progress at all. KROQ dutifully added the single (which got endorsements from Courtney Love and My Chemcical Romance’s Gerard Way) to its rotation, and the quartet has been equally dutifully snapped up by Interscope. Nod your heads vigorously, kids, just like your uncle did.

||| Stream: “Cool Kid,” and/or download it here for free (for a limited time)