Stream: Vanaprasta, ‘Flash Flood Warning’



Some of the new songs from L.A. quintet Vanaprasta are liable to make you come out of your shoes, if recent live performances are any indication. Promise. But “Flash Flood Warning” is not among them. Like the previously teased “NYF,” “Flash Flood Warning” is lush and dreamy, its meticulously layered psychedelia suggesting the band has left behind its more earthbound indie-rock sound in search of something more heavenly. The band – Steven Wilkin, Collin Desha, Taylor Brown, Cameron Dmytryk and Ben Smiley – spent much of last year in the studio figuring out their new math after their 2011 full-length “Healthy Geometry.” Here, they’ve arrived at that magical formula for swaying back and forth, not a bad thing at all.

||| Stream: “Flash Flood Warning”

||| Live: Vanaprasta plays April 2 at the Bootleg Bar along with Incan Abraham.

||| Previously: “NYF”