Video: Saint Motel, ‘Benny Goodman’


As anybody who caught on to Saint Motel in 2009 via their six-song, six-video “ForPlay” release knows, the L.A. quartet (and former film-schoolers) knows how to have fun with visuals. Their breakout song “Benny Goodman,” from their full-length debut “Voyeur,” gets a treatment directed by frontman A/J Jackson, who explains that the “concept for the video is inspired, like the song itself, by the tale of the Benny Goodman’s struggle for success.” It features Miles “Baby Boogaloo” Brown, the 7-year-old whose dancing has already made him a minor TV phenomenon, and Derrick Tuggle, who danced his way to 20 million views in the Black Keys’ “Lonely Boy” video. I suspect you’ll be able to divine what is going on over dinner.

||| Download: “Benny Goodman”

||| Previously: album stream, “1997,” “At Least I Have Nothing” video, “Puzzle Pieces.”

||| Live: Saint Motel plays Dec. 15 at the Detroit Bar.