Video: Dum Dum Girls, ‘Lord Knows’


Sure, Kristen Gundred (aka Dee Dee) and the ladies of Dum Dum Girls started to give us thowbacks to Chrissie Hynde with last year’s “Only In Dreams,” but not only is it done well enough; it’s also an impressive departure from their earlier jangly ditties like “Jail La La.” Their “End of Daze” EP (out now on Sub Pop) continues down this path into moodier, heavier ”˜60s-influences with tunes like the single “Lord Knows” (which seemingly shares similar chords to “Crimson and Clover”). Christin Walker (“Ja La La”, “He Gets Me High”, “Bhang, Bhang, I’m A Burnout”) returns as director for the ballad’s haunting and flower-heavy clip.

||| Download: “Lord Knows” (previously posted)

||| Live: Dum Dum Girls celebrate the release of their “End of Daze” EP tonight at Origami Vinyl and play Thursday at Los Globos.