Ears Wide Open: Irontom


No sooner had a bunch of guys calling themselves the Bellows released their first EP back in February than they backpedaled: The Bellows? Who were all these people calling themselves the Bellows? “We couldn’t even find our own site on Google,” Harry Hayes says. “But we dig our new name. It’s ours.” It’s Irontom, a stolid moniker well-suited to the L.A. quintet’s tense, ’90s-indebted indie-rock, full of shifting rhythms and prickly guitars. To veteran Silver Lakers, their sound may recall Death to Anders, but even over four songs on this first EP, Irontom suggests that their music is a work in progress – the measure of which will be a full-length the band hopes to release later this year.

||| Stream: “Mind My Halo”

||| Also: Get Irontom’s whole EP on Bandcamp on a name-your-price basis.