Coachella: Sleigh Bells ring-ring-ringin’ in my ears


Who: Sleigh Bells in the Mojave Tent
In 3 or Fewer Words: She’s a player.
I’ll Remember This Until: Er … until Sleigh Bells comes back to Coachella for a third year in a row? The New York duo of Alexis Krauss and Derek Miller played a blistering set of its guitar-vocals-drum machines noise-rock, and as tight and riveting as it was, their return to Indio caused as much buzz about Krauss’ basketball jersey as anything. It mimicked a Chicago Bulls jersey, except the block letters on the front read “BELLS,” and the name on the back “SLAY.” The duo’s new single “Rill Rill” held up nicely with faves like “Infinity Guitars” and “Tell ’Em,” so, who knows, maybe they’ll be back to scorch another tent next year.
What I’d Tell My Friends Who Were at Interpol: Hope you had caffeine; I sure didn’t need any.
– K.B.