Video: Amusement Parks on Fire, ‘Flashlight Planetarium’


U.K. shoegazers Amusement Parks on Fire became honorary Silver Lakers during the year or so they spent recording in Los Angeles, and you can hear a little of the neighborhood’s finest, Silversun Pickups, in APOF’s new album “Road Eyes” (due Oct. 5). Searing guitars, big choruses, ear-splitting effects – it’s an updated slice of heaven for folks whose MBV, Ride, Curve, Bailterspace and Boo Radleys records never go out of rotation. “Road Eyes” was co-produced by Michael Patterson (“Midnite Vultures,” BRMC, Great Northern) and Nic Jodoin. APOF frontman Michael Feerick is calling the music “stargaze,” and if he wants us to look upward instead of downward, well, OK.

||| Live: Amusement Parks on Fire plays Friday, Oct. 8, at the Echo and Sunday, Oct. 10, at the Toyota Antics Block Party as part of Filter’s Culture Collide Festival.