Stream: Body Parts, ‘Unavoidable Things’


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Art-pop agitators Ryder Bach and Alina Cutrono – dba Body Parts – are calling their forthcoming album “Fire Dream,” but it could just as well be titled “We Make Neuroses Fun.” The inspiration for record, says Bach, is a nightmare in which he witnessed the murder of his parents by a close friend. Now that could make a guy squirm, and in concert with the duo’s established proclivity for restless rhythms, it makes for polychromatic pop that thematically reaches beyond the mere calisthenics in ’80s textures done by a lot bands like them. Body Parts’ recent single “Desperation” spoke to the group’s ability to be more direct, and “Unavoidable Things” follows suit – David Byrne salted with a little R&B and Cutrono’s not-so-predictable backing vocals. “Fire Dream” is out Oct. 29 via Father/Daughter Records.

||| Stream: “Unavoidable Things”

||| Live: Body Parts joins Jenny O and In the Valley Below on the bill for Friday’s “Into the Night: The Wild Side” in the courtyard of the Skirball Center. The evening features a screening of Dr. Seuss’s “The 5,00 Fingers of Dr. T,” kids’-games-for-adults, craft making and roaming animals brought to the party by Zoo to You. More info here.

Photo from Echo Park Rising by Carl Pocket