Ears Wide Open: Oh Boy Les Mecs


Oh Boy Les Mecs – the post-Twilight Sleep adventures of collaborators Tracy Marcellino and Hanford Pittman – sets its sights on altitudes the duo’s dark electro-pop never reached. Beat-laden synths and arching (and for Marcellino, stronger) vocals conspire with rich lyrics to give Oh Boy Les Mecs – French slang for “oh boy you guys” or “oh boy oh boy,” the band says – a brighter pallor and more experimental feel. Their first song “Helium” is, to pun audaciously, a Bjork of art. And “Dormant Frenzy” takes their dreamy concoctions to more accessible but still conceptual space.

||| Download: “Dormant Frenzy”

||| Also: Visit the band’s website to get “Helium” and a “Helium” remix.

Photo by Albert Molina